Monday, April 11, 2011

SE Mop-up

Apr. 11

Auroras seen:  4
Flight hours:  24
Days left in Greenland:  3

Someday I'll be ready to tell the story of today's flight.  Just not today.

For now, a few pictures.

Last night's aurora over the KISS building where we stay, and a half moon.

It's getting noticeably lighter here.  This was taken around 10:30 -- still a little blue in the sky.

Almost everything white you see in this picture is not snow on the ground or clouds, but snow whipped up by the wind.

Some gnarly peaks.
Notice the haziness of the glacier ice just below us in this photo -- that's due to the exhaust trail of the engine.  Just one of the challenges while shooting on the P-3.

Sweet sweet sea ice


  1. Nice! Can't wait to read the whole story.

  2. Looks like quite the adventure! We got some good auroras last weekend, replete with shimmering and color changes.
