March 31st, 2011
Copenhagen, Denmark
Beard Units: 2
Weight: about the same as when I left
Auroras seen: shamon, I haven't even seen the sky.
Such a few days of ups and downs. Of energy and depletion. If you want to work the numbers just right, I've worked 35 hours in the last few days and slept 10.
But I'm in Copenhagen and I'm not alone.
And despite dank rains that make me think a trip to the cryosphere might not be so bad, I am loving this city. Bikes everywhere, coffee shops, bakeries, and people who come up and offer assistance just because we look dazed and perplexed.
On the down side, stores close vindictively early. Stores that sell things critical to one's workflow like backup hard drives and power adapters. And as I'm desperately trying to take a nap, I can see huge chunks of concrete falling past my hotel window as construction workers yell, "Ja!" and then, when they crash to the ground, "scheisse!" and then laugh as they anticipate their next payload.
Tomorrow off to Greenland.
1. Learn a brand new camera
2. Don't throw up on aircraft
3. Try not to eat any pinnipeds